Saturday, April 14, 2012

Boston Marathon - April 16th

I'm not a runner (I only run if I'm being chased) but I LOVE going to the Boston Marathon every year.  I go early and save space along the route just before Mile 19 (in front of 1071 Commonwealth Ave., Newton).  It's so much fun.  We bring water/cups/oranges/small candy bars to share with the runners.  It's supposed to be EIGHTY DEGREES on Monday (that's way too hot for the runners) so they'll be wanting lots of water.  Please join us!!

That's my friend Emily in the bottom photo.  She's amazing.  A few years ago she was an elite runner at the Boston Marathon!  She's got 2 young kids and she's a terrific runner.  It's fun to see her at Mile 19!

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